


Basset Artesien Normand


Basset Bleu de Gascogne


Basset Fauve de Bretagne


Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen


Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen


Basset Hound




 Basset Artesien Normand
Leif Ståle Tytlandsvik,
Sandvik 21 4016 Stavanger.
Tel 97599299.
epost: Leif.stale.tytlandsvik@fkra.no
 Morten Opsahl, Kirkåsveien 8D,
1178 Oslo
epost:  mortenopsahl@me.com



Basset Bleu de Gascogne
May Bardal
8255 Røkland.
Tlf +47 99049405
Epost; maybardal@hotmail.com


Basset Fauve de Bretagne
 Anita Nøttåsen Sydhallvegen 9, 2416 Jømna tel: 958 21 029  Epost: anitanottasen@hotmail.com


Valpeformidler Fauve
Pia Hagetrø Epost: ar-haget@online.no
 Info fra Rase rådet Fauve

Paringen skal ha vært innom raserådet og fått en anbefaling Minste kriterier for anbefaling:
Minst 1 av hundene må ha premiering på drev og begge hunder minimum very good på utstilling. Dette gjøres fordi det er viktig at raserådet kan luke ut “uheldige” paringer så langt det lar seg gjøre. Hvorfor ikke alle paringer av Bfdb består av champion foreldre : Basset fauve de Bretagne er en liten rase i Norge, med noe over 400 individer. Klubben jobber iherdig med å få med flest mulig på prøver rundt om i landet, men noen vil kun jakte med sine hunder. De siste årene har det vært fler Bfdb på drevprøver , og disse viser seg godt ved å ligge på øvre del av premielista. Dette er hunder fra premierte og urpremierte foreldre. Sjekk ved valpekjøp om kullet du/dere tenker på er anbefalt av raserådet, så vet man iallfall at kullet har den beste forutsetning. Uforutsette ting kan selvfølgelig skje i alle paringer . Lista for anbefaling av et kull i Norge er satt lavt fordi vi vil ha et mangfold i avlen og ikke matadoravl, skal vi fortsatt ha Bfdb må vi godta at ikke alle foreldre er champion ,
og heller bruke hunder i avl som ikke gir for høy innavlsgrad.


Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
hildewestrumHilde Floen Westrum
Marøyvegen 5
5937 Bøvågen
Tlf: 93296021
Epost: hilde.westrum@bkkfiber.no


Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
mari-150x150Mari Haukeland
Leversbyveien 172
3330 Skotselv
tel: 95767785
Epost: l-rakkes@online.no
Geir Lasse Aune
Valpeformidler: Mari Haukeland


Primary open angle glaucoma, also known as POAG, is a painful condition where the pressure in the eye(s) increases over time eventually leading to blindness.
With funding from the Waltham Foundation, the AHT have been investigating an inherited form of this disease which affects the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen dog breed. The research programme progressed extremely well and the causal mutation for this disorder was identified towards the end of 2014. A DNA test for POAG in the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen was launched at Crufts 2015.
Ordering a test Tests are available to order online from our Webshop. The standard price of this DNA test is £48 for the UK and countries within the European Union and £40 for countries outside the EU which are exempt from VAT.
Anyone can log on to our Webshop, register if they are not already registered, and order the DNA test kit online. The sample kits will be sent out by post with full instructions and will need to be returned to the AHT by post for testing. Results will be sent to out as soon as they are available, either by post or by email.
DNA Test The disorder shows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, which means that two copies of the defective gene (one inherited from each parent) have to be present for a dog to be affected by the disease. Individuals with one copy of the defective gene and one copy of the normal gene, called carriers, show no signs of disease but can pass the defective gene onto their offspring. When two carriers are crossed, 25% (on average) of the offspring will be affected by the disease, 25% will be clear and the remaining 50% will be carriers.

After DNA testing the results will be defined as follows:

CLEAR: The dog has 2 copies of the normal gene and will neither develop POAG, nor pass a copy of the POAG gene to any of its offspring.

CARRIER: The dog has one copy of the normal gene and one copy of the mutant gene that causes POAG. It will not develop POAG but will pass on the POAG gene to 50% (on average) of its offspring.

AFFECTED: The dog has two copies of the POAG mutation and is affected with POAG.
Breeding Advice Carriers can still be bred to clear dogs. On average, 50% of such a litter will be clear and 50% carriers; there can be no affected dogs produced from such a mating. Pups which will be used for breeding can themselves be DNA tested to determine whether they are clear or carrier of POAG.


  Basset Hound
elisabethElisabeth Moseby
Raknerudveien 31
1860 Trøgstad.
Tel: 90760636
mail: Siv.Tvilde@voith.com
sivSiv Tvilde
Skarsvegen 293
5911 Alversund
tlf: 91654709
mail:  Siv.Tvilde@voith.com
Robert Kvalvaag ;Solavegen 452 , 4354 volda tlf:  98669170 Mail :robert_kvalvag@yahoo.no







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